Bottle URL Redirect

I've been making a little web app for my partner and I. I decided to use the Bottle framework as opposed to Flask since I've always liked the lightness of Bottle and my little app has no need for scaling.

Flask and Bottle seem have much the same features but there's one pattern in particular that is done easily in Flask but wasn't obvious in Bottle. In many flask tutorials a simple redirect to a url, usually after an authentication seems easily done.

In Flask it's basically implemented like this:

from flask import route, redirect, url_for

def root():
    return 'home'

def redirected():
    return redirect(url_for('root'))

In Bottle this can be done with the little documented url method, however it works a little bit differently. The route needs to be named using a keyword argument, but then the rest is much the same.

from bottle import route, redirect, url

@route('/', name='home')
def root():
    return 'home'

def redirected():
    return redirect(url('home'))